Acharya, P., Jayaprakasha, G.K., K.C. Crosby., J.L. Jifon, S. Patil (2020). Nanoparticle-Mediated Seed Priming Improves Germination, Growth, Yield, and Quality of Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) at multi-locations in Texas. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group)10:1-16.
Knobloch, N. A., Charoenmuang, M., Cooperstone, J.L., and Patil, S. 2020. “Developing Interdisciplinary Thinking in a Food and Nutritional Security, Hunger, and Sustainability Graduate Course.” The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1–15.
Yoo, K.S., Bang, L Pike, B.S. Patil, and E.J Lee. 2020. Comparing carotene, antocynins, and terpenoid concentrations in selected carrot lines of different colors. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2:1-9.
Yoo, K.S., L Pike, B.S. Patil, and J Lee. 2020. Developing sweet onions by recurrent selection in a short-day onion breeding program. Scientia Horticultrae, 266:109269.
Kasote, D. GK Jayaprakasha and Patil, B.S. (2019). Leaf Disc Assays for Rapid Measurement of Antioxidant Activity. Scientific Reports 1884:1-10.
Kasote, D. Jisun Lee, GK Jayaprakasha and Patil, B.S. (2019). Seed Priming with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modulate Antioxidant Potential and Defense-Linked Hormones in Watermelon Seedlings. ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering, DOI: 1021/acssuschemeng.8b06013.
Kim, E., G.A., Wright., L.A. Davidson, R.S. Zoh, S. Patil, G.K. Jayaprakasha, E.S. Callaway, C.D. Allred, N.D. Turner, R.S. Chapkin. (2019). Establishment of a multicomponent dietary bioactive human equivalent dose to delete damaged Lgr5+ stem cells using a mouse colon tumor initiation model. European Journal of Cancer Prevention.28: 383-389. PMID: 30234553.