
Organized and Initiated VFIC-related conferences and symposia

Initiated hosting VFIC biennial conference in conjunction with Texas Producers Association Conference.

2014- VFIC 20th anniversary conference “Produce for Health: The Intersection of Sustainability, Food and Nutrition security and Education. 180 participants including US produce and allied industry members.

2009 Biennial conference: The conference theme was “Consumers to Farm: Changing Patterns in the Fruit and Vegetable Industry” and ~130 participants attended. During the conference, a round table discussion “The Health Impact of Fruits and Veggies: Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities was presented by Whole Foods, Kroger, HEB, Texas Restaurant Association, Houston F&V Association. The state legislators and key administrators of TAMU and AgriLife witnessed the impact of the VFIC on society at large. For the first time, the National Onion conference was hosted by the VFIC in 2006. Dr. Kil Sun Yoo, Chair (College Station).

  • Pan American Plant Membrane Biology Conference 2006. Dr. Kendal Hirschi, Chair (South Padre Island)
  • 4th ISHS International Symposium on Seed, Transplant and Stand Establishment 2006. Dr. Daniel Leskovar, Chair (San Antonio)

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