
Service Activities outside the University (community service organizations, presentations)


  • Keynote the Rotary Club of Brenham-January 27, 2015- Produce for Health: Challenges and opportunities for reducing risks from diseases.
  • Invited Earth day, Dallas- April 22-24, 2015. Sustainable Diets: Solution to maintain healthy lifestyle?
  • InTelangana American Telugu Association Health Fair, College Station, TX. -April 12, 2015- Title: Is there a better diet for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • KeynoteTexas Gardens Club-85th Fall Convention, Hilton Hotel, College Station, TX. -April 24, 2013- Title: Farm to plate: Fruits and vegetables role in our diet.
  • Invited Brazos, Master Gardeners Association, Title: Fruits and Vegetables in Prevention of Cancer: Scientific Oddity or Clinical Reality- June 26, 2012. College Station, TX.
  • In Sustainable Ag Conference. Title: Improving Human Health: Fruits and Vegetables from Sustainable Horticulture, McAllen, Feb 4-15, 2011.
  • In 2005, Texas Fruit & Vegetable Network (TFVN) was formed by the Texas Department of Human Health Service. Participated in the meeting on January 6, 2005, American Cancer Society, Texas Branch, Austin, Texas.
  • Steering Committee and Quarterly Meeting of the TFVN Meeting, September 9, 2005. Elected as working group chair.
  • Invited by the Weslaco High school-January 20, 2005. Title: Why do we eat fruits and vegetables?
  • Invited by the Rotary Club, Edinburg, TX-February 12, 2004. Title: Citrus and Prevention of Diseases.
  • Provided research material and poster to the Gardner Club-October 21, 2003- Contact person: Shirley Marrow.
  • Invited by the Rotary Club, Bijapur, India. January 3, 2003. Title: Role of Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Human Health.
  • Hosted Group Study Exchange Team as a part of Rotary Club. 2002.
  • Invited by the Weslaco Bicultural Museum, Weslaco-March 16, 2002. Topic: Fabulous Health Benefits of Citrus.
  • Hosted Med-Ed program for Pre-Medical students from University of Texas Health Science Center- July 20, 2002.  I hosted this group every year since 2000.
  • Invited by the Rotary Club, Ranebennur, India. December 26, 2001. Title: Human Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.
  • Invited by the Lions Club, Weslaco, TX-April 17, 2001. Title: Citrus Health Benefits.
  • Invited by the Rotary Club, Harlingen, TX-April 13, 2001. Title: Citrus, Onion and Prevention of Diseases.
  • Invited by the Sam Houston Elementary School, McAllen- May 1, 2001. Topic: What is in fruits and vegetable to make kids to eat.
  • Invited by the Rancho Village Women’s Club, Weslaco to present a talk “Citrus Health Benefits”-February 21, 2000.
  • Invited to participate in a HEALTH AWARENESS organized by the Dr. Pablo Tagle, McAllen. Purpose of this program is to make people aware of healthy lifestyle and we displayed a poster on benefits of citrus to human health-February 19, 2000. Invited by this group for three years since 2000.
  • Participated and presented a poster in the Rio Grande Valley Livestock show held in Mercedes, TX- March 15, 2000.
  • Responded to at least 15 people/year for their questions and/or concerns on grapefruit juice and drug interaction.
  • Participates and presents a poster in Rio Grande Valley Livestock show held in Mercedes, TX on during March 17-20, 1999.
  • Invited to participate in a career fair arranged for over thousand 8th grades McAllen Students at the Civic Center. Our participation in this fair led to another invitation within few weeks later- December 8, 1998, January 1999 and February 2, 2000.
  • Attended the Funders’ Forum: A Dialogue with donors organized by the University of Texas-Pan American’s Southwest Border Nonprofit Resource Center, June 4, 1998.
  • Participated and presented a poster in Rio Grande Valley Livestock show held in Mercedes, TX on during March 18-22, 1998.
  • Hosted at least 10 tours/year for the benefit of local school kids, winter Texans, and commodity and industry groups from different states and countries including China, Europe and Africa.

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