
(Keynote=Keynote speaker. Plenary=Plenary speaker, In=Invited speaker.  Underlined authors indicate current or former graduate students or postdoctoral research associate under the direction of Patil.


  1. InvitedPatil, B.S. “Natural products from underutilized crops Isolation, identification, and examination of their role in mitigating cardiometabolic diseases”. 5th IUPHAR Word Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural Products and 51st Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society at Hyderabad, India. December 5-6, 2019.
  2. KeynotePatil, B.S. Jayprakasha, G.K., Achyara, P. and Singh, J. 2019. Arid Zone Fruits: A New Resource to Improve Human Health and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change. National Conference on Arid Fruits-A way forward for sustainable production and nutritional security. University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, India. November 28-30, 2019.
  3. KeynotePatil, B.S. Jayprakasha, G.K., and Singh, J. Can we reduce Obesity burden by consuming selected fruits and vegetables? Global Conference on Obesity, Nutrition and Health Disorders, October 7-8, 2019. Dubai, UAE.
  4. InPatil, B.S. Sustainable Diet in the era of Global Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Agricultural Sciences-Banguluru, Karnataka, October 11, 2019.
  5. InPatil, B.S. Global Obesity Epidemic or Disease: Is Fruits and Vegetables an answer? University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka, October 15, 2019.
  1. KeynotePatil, B.S. Singh, J., Acharya, P., Metrani, R., Shivanagoudra, S., Perez, J., G. Jayaprakasha. 2019. Hidden Treasures of the Cucurbitaceae: Health Benefits of Melons, from Watermelon to Bitter Melon. VI International Symposium on Cucurbits, ISHS, Ghent, Belgium. June 30-July 4, 2019.
  2. Brinkley, S.C., Miller, R., Lombardini, L., Patil, B., Jayaprakasha, G., and Margenot, A., The Search for Quality over Quantity: Evaluating the Effects of Climate-Resilient Management Practices on the Quality of Coffea arabica varieties Catuaí and IHCAFE-90. Presented at the 24th annual Simposio Latinoamericano de Caficultura, Guatemala City, Guatemala September 3-7, 2019.
  3. InPatil,S. Partnership between TAMU & Karnataka: Current status and prospectus for Future. Ministry of Agriculture-Government of Karnataka-February 19, 2019
  4. PlenaryPatil,S., Jayprakasha, G.K and J. Singh 2019. Fruits, Vegetables, and Medicinal Plants for the Prevention and Treatment of Disease: Untapped Potential and Unanswered Questions. 9th American Council of Medicinally Active Plants Conference, Dehradun, India, February 14-17, 2019.
  5. InvitedPatil, B.S. Role of Horticulture in the Era of Triple burden of malnutrition: Status, Challenges and Prospects for Implementing a Sustainable Diet, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesarghatta, India. February 18, 2019.
  6. KeynotePatil, B.S. 2019. Horticulture, Nutrition, and Human Health: Status, Challenges, and Prospectus for Implementing a Sustainable Diet. 8th Indian Horticulture Congress. January 16-19, 2019, Raipur, India.
  7. KeynotePatil,S., 2018. Role of functional foods in NCD’s: case studies and trends, ASEAN Biodiversity Resources of Functional Foods for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and TISTR, March 20, 2018. Bangkok, Thailand.

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