InChidambara Murthy KN., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Vinod Kumar, Rathore, K.S. and Patil, B.S, Inhibition of colon cancer by limonin and its glucoside involves regulation of Bcl 2/Bax, Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, 9-13, Oct. 2007, Houston,Texas, USA.
InPerez, J.L, Jayaprakasha, G.K., Dandekar, D.V., Ahmad, H. and Patil, B.S, Structural differences of limonin influence induction of phase II enzymes. Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, 9-13, Oct. 2007, Houston,Texas, USA.
InGirennavar, B, Bugarin, A., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Brian T. Connell and Patil, B.S, Grapefruit-drug interaction: chemistry and biology of furocoumarins, Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, 9-13, Oct. 2007, Houston, Texas, USA.
InKim, W. R. Smith, L. Zhou, N. Wang, Jayaprakasha, G.K., Patil, B.S., N. McMurray, and R.S. Chapkin. Dietary limonin suppresses antigen-induced CD4+ T-cell proliferation via down-regulation of NF-kB nuclear translocation. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on the Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Houston, TX, October 10, 2007.
Porter, S.J., N.A. Knobloch, and K. Chapman- Novakofski, Patil, B.S. (2007, June) Motivation to Collaborate: Perceived Benefits and Barriers in Teaching. Oral Presentation presented at 2007 National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture conference, Champaign, IL.
Kim, W., R. Smith, L. Zhou, N. Wang, Patil, B.S., K, Jayaprakasha, D.N. McMurray and R.S. Chapkin. Dietary curcumin and limonin suppress antigen-induced CD4+ T-cell proliferation in an NF-kB independent manner. Presented at the 2007 FASEB Summer Conference on “Nutritional immunology: Its role in health and disease, Tucson, AZ, July 28 – August 2, 2007. Wooki Kim is a recipient of the American Society for Nutrition Predoctoral Fellowship from McNeil Nutritionals.
InPatil, J.R., G. K. Jayaprakasha, K N.Chidambara Murthy, S.E. Tichy, M.B. Chetti and Patil, B.S.. Kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) Volatile Oil – a Potential Source for Colon Cancer Prevention. 234th ACS National Meeting, August, 2007, Boston, MA.
InMurthy, K.N.C., J.R. Patil, G. K. Jayaprakasha, M.B. Chetti, and Patil, B.S. August, 2007. Pomegranate Fractions may Prevent Prostate Cancer.234th ACS National Meeting. Boston, MA.
InJayaprakasha, G.K., Chidambara Murthy KN, S.E. Tichy and Patil, B.S.. August, 2007. Volatile Oil from Sour Oranges (Citrus aurantium ) has Potential Benefit in Colon Cancer Prevention. 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Patil, J. R., M. B. Chetti, G. K. Jayaprakasha and Patil, B.S., Lime (Kagzi lime): A Novel Source of Bioactive Principles. ASHS Annual Conference. July, 2007, Scottsdale, AZ.