Girennavar, B.G, Simpkins, S., Jayaprakash, G.K. and Patil, B.S.. E-beam Irradiation Influences Grapefruit-drug Interaction Related Furocoumarins. HortScience 2006, 41: 1050.
Simpkins, S., Girennavar, B., Jayaprakash, G.K. and Patil, B.S..Ultraviolet Radiation Influences Grapefruit Juice Bioactive Furocoumarins. HortScience, 2006, 41: 1083.
Vikram, A., Jayaprakash, G. K. and Patil, B.S., Sour Orange: A Source of Unique Limonoid Glucosides. HortScience, 2006, 41:1022.
Wilson, C., Jayaprakash, G. K. and Patil, B.S., Open Column Chromatographic Separation of Health-Promoting Bioactive Citrus Limonoids. HortScience, 2006, 41:1083
Dandekar, D., Jayaprakash, G. K. and Patil, B.S.. Citrus Bioactive Limonoid Extraction using Environment-friendly Hydrotropy. HortScience, 2006, 41:1008
Bailey, B., F. Deyhim B.J. Stoecker and Patil, B. S. Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Bone Quality. The FASEB Journal 2006, 20: LB80
Girennavar, B. S.M. Poulose, G.K. Jayaprakasha, L.M. Pike, and Patil, B.S. Furocoumarins from Grapefruit Juice: A Potent Inhibitors of Human Cytochrome P450 Isoenzymes CYP3A4 and CYP1B1. The FASEB Journal 20:A572.
Poulose, S.M., E.D. Harris and Patil, B.S.. Cytotoxic and Antineoplastic Effects of Citrus Limonoids on Human Neuroblastoma and Colonic Adenocarcinoma Cells. The FASEB Journal 20:A11-A12.
Deyhim F, Mandadi K, Faraji B. Patil, B.S. September, Grapefruit Juice Influences Bone Quality in Orchidectomized and Non-Orchidectomized Male Rats. 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2006. Philadelphia, PA.
Deyhim, F., Villarreal, A. Rios, R. Garcia, C. Garcia, K. Gonzales, C. Mandadi. K. Patil, B.S. Cranberry Juice Improves Bone Quality, and Increases Antioxidant Enzymes in Orchidectomized Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technology. 2006, Orlando FL.