InMiller, E.G., S.E. Taylor, and Patil, B.S. November, 2001. Citrus Limonoids: Increasing Importance in Human Health. Second International Conference on Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference. Portland, OR.
InPatil, B. S. Potassium Effect on Citrus Functional Components. International Potassium Symposium, December, 2001, New Delhi, India.
InPatil, B.S.Enhancing Citrus Phytochemicals. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
InMiller, E.G., S.E. Taylor, C.W. Berry, Q. Tian, Patil, B.S.. Limonin 17-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Effects on Microorganisms Commonly Found in the Lower GI Tract. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
Liu, Y., H. Ahmad, Y. Luo, D. T. Gardiner, R. S. Gunasekara, W. McKeehan, B.S.,Characterization of Citrus Pectin and Inhibition of Fibroblast Growth Factor Signal Transduction Process. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
Patil, B.S., S. Yoo and L.M. Pike. Postharvest Storage Effects on Grapefruit Functional Components. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
Tian, Q., Y, Liu, N. Bhat, Patil, B.S., Spectrophotometric Analysis of Total Limonoids in Citrus. IX International Society of Citriculture. December, 2000. Orlando, FL.
InTian, Q., Y. Liu, E. G. Miller, H. Ahmad, L.Tang and Patil, B.S. Characterization of Obacunone Glucosides and its Potential Inhibition of Human Cancer Cells. First International Conference on Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference, September, 2000, Houston, TX.
InLiu, Y., H.Ahmad, Y. Luo, D. T. Gardiner, R. S. Gunasekara, W. McKeehan, B.S. Seasonal Changes in Grapefruit Pectin and its Inhibitory Effect on Fibroblast Growth Factor Signal Transduction. First International Conference Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference, September, 2000, Houston, TX.
Patil, B.S. Location and Rootstock Effects on Sheepnosing in Grapefruit. HortScience 35:499.