
  • InMiller, E.G., S.E. Taylor, and Patil, B.S. November, 2001. Citrus Limonoids: Increasing Importance in Human Health. Second International Conference on Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference. Portland, OR.
  • InPatil, B. S. Potassium Effect on Citrus Functional Components. International Potassium Symposium, December, 2001, New Delhi, India.
  • InPatil, B.S. Enhancing Citrus Phytochemicals. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
  • InMiller, E.G., S.E. Taylor, C.W. Berry, Q. Tian, Patil, B.S.. Limonin 17-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Effects on Microorganisms Commonly Found in the Lower GI Tract. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
  • Liu, Y., H. Ahmad, Y. Luo, D. T. Gardiner, R. S. Gunasekara, W. McKeehan, B.S., Characterization of Citrus Pectin and Inhibition of Fibroblast Growth Factor Signal Transduction Process. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000,  Orlando, FL.
  • Patil, B.S., S. Yoo and L.M. Pike. Postharvest Storage Effects on Grapefruit Functional Components. IX International Society of Citriculture, December, 2000, Orlando, FL.
  • Tian, Q., Y, Liu, N. Bhat, Patil, B.S., Spectrophotometric Analysis of Total Limonoids in Citrus. IX International Society of Citriculture. December, 2000. Orlando, FL.
  • InTian, Q., Y. Liu, E. G. Miller, H. Ahmad, L.Tang and Patil, B.S. Characterization of Obacunone Glucosides and its Potential Inhibition of Human Cancer Cells. First International Conference on Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference, September, 2000, Houston, TX.
  • InLiu, Y., H.Ahmad, Y. Luo, D. T. Gardiner, R. S. Gunasekara, W. McKeehan, B.S. Seasonal Changes in Grapefruit Pectin and its Inhibitory Effect on Fibroblast Growth Factor Signal Transduction. First International Conference Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Conference, September, 2000, Houston, TX.
  • Patil, B.S. Location and Rootstock Effects on Sheepnosing in Grapefruit. HortScience 35:499.
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