
  • Patil, B.S. and Pike, L.M. 1994. Distribution of Quercetin and Quercetin Glycosides in Different Colored Varieties and Genotypes of Onion (Allium cepa) Tissue. Hortscience, 29: 494.
  • Patil, B.S., Pike, L.M. and B. K. Hamilton. 1994. Location, Soil Type and Growth Stage on the Anti-carcinogenic, Quercetin, Content in Onion (Allium cepa). Agronomy, p200.
  • Regional

    1. Corleto, K.A. Singh, J., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and Patil, B.S.  Stability of Dietary Nitrate in Vegetable Juices during Storage at Different Temperatures, Presented at southern ASHS meeting, San Antonio, Feb 5-7, 2016.
    2. Perez, J.L., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Crosby, K., and Patil, B.S. Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia): A Potential new crop for Texas to reduce risk from diabetes, Presented at southern ASHS meeting, San Antonio, Feb 5-7, 2016.
    3. InPatil, B.S. February, 2007. Health maintaining properties of fruits, vegetables and nuts: Myth or Reality? Human Nutrition Conference. College Station, TX.
    4. InPatil, B.S. February, 2007. Pre- and Postharvest Factors Effect on Bioactive Compounds and Human Health. Southern American Society for Horticultural Sciences. Mobile, AL.
    5. Presidential address: Rio Grande Horticulture Society Annual Conference- Round Table Conference: Role of Higher Educational Leaders Building a Partnership to Improve Agriculture and Health: A case Study of Partnership Efforts of Valley Institutions. Edinburg, TX. January, 2007.
    6. Vikram, A. Palmy, S. Pillai, Jayaprakasha, G.K., Patil, B.S., Inhibition of Bacterial Cell-Cell Communication and Biofilm formation by Citrus Bioactive Compounds. 61st Annual Conference of Rio Grande Horticulture Society. January, 2007.  Edinburg, TX.
    7. Girennavar, B., S. Simpkins, Jayaprakasha, G.K., and Patil, B.S. Biochemical Properties of Furocoumarins from Grapefruits. 61st Annual Conference of Rio Grande Horticulture Society. . January, Edinburg, TX.
    8. Perez, J.L., G.K. Jayaprakasha, D.V. Dandekar, H. Ahmad. And Patil, B.S. Structural Differences of Citrus Limonoids Influence Induction of Detoxifying Enzymes. 61st Annual Conference of Rio Grande Horticulture Society. January, 2007. Edinburg, TX.
    9. Deyhim F. K. Mandadi, Patil, B.S., Effects of Eating Citrus Pulp on Bone Quality and Bone Mineral Analysis in Orchidectomized Rat Model of Osteoporosis. Texas Dieticians Association. June 2006, San Antonio, TX.
    10. InPatil, B.S. 2005. Foods for Health: Challenges and Opportunities,59th Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society. Weslaco, TX.

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