InPatil, B.S. What do we Know About Grapefruit-drug Interaction? 58thAnnual Conference of the Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society, 2004. Weslaco, TX.
In¥Patil, B.S., E. Dooley, D.R. Lineberger. Distance Education: A Tool to Develop a Mulitidisciplinary Course.8th Annual Information Technology and Distance Education Conference. May, 2002, Edinburg, TX.
InPatil, B.S.. Pre- and Post-harvest Effects of Less Known Biologically Active Compounds in Grapefruit. 55th Annual Meeting of Rio Grande Valley Horticulture Society. January, 2001, Weslaco, TX.
*Dooley, K.M., Patil, B.S., and D.R. Lineberger. Use of Distance Learning Technology to Teach a Multidisciplinary Course: Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables. Southern Agricultural Education Conference. January, 2000.Lexington, KY.
InPatil, B.S., January, 2000. Citrus Phytonutrients and Human Health.54th Annual Meeting of Rio Grande Valley Horticulture Society, Weslaco, TX.