keynotePatil, B.SM Uckoo and Jayaprakasha, G.K. Food for Health: Linking Agriculture to Nutrition and Health. First International Bitter Gourd Conference, March 201-21, 2014, Hydrabad, India.
InvitedPatil, B.S. Food for Health: Linking Agriculture to Nutrition and Health. Directorate of Oil Seeds, Govt of India, Hydrabad, India. March 22, 2014.
PlenaryPatil, B.S., Case Studies of Commercialization of Food: Challenges and Opportunities at Each Stages from Farm to Clinic. Third National symposium USAID-Tropical Plants Curriculum Project: “Opportunities and Prospects of Commercialization of Indigenous Plant-Based Products”. October 2013. Udyana University, Bali, Indonesia.
PlenaryPatil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and M. Uckoo. Paradigm shift in intersection of horticulture, nutrition and health sciences for Food and Nutritional Security: Lessons learned and future perspectives. Fifth International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetables. Dharwad, India. January 2013.
PlenaryPatil, B.S. Uckoo, R.M. and Jayaprakasha, G.K.(2012), Historical perspectives of dietary habits and their Emerging evidences on human health. Presentation at the International Food Conference- Future of Food Factors. October 3-4, 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia.
InPatil, B.S. Grapefruit Drug Interaction: Myth or Realty?: Drug Institute, University of Jerusalem, Israel- February 23, 2012.
InPatil, B.S. Foods for Health: Current research at the VFIC with emphasis on Citrus. Volcani Agriculture Center, Israel- February 27, 2012.
KeynotePatil, B.S. Vegetables: From the Origin to the Challenges of Health and Sustainability: Research trends at VFIC and Texas- University of Vicosa, Brazil- 51st Vegetable Crops Brazilian Congress /III Latin American Symposium of Herbs and Medicinal Plants- July 2011..
KeynotePatil, B.S. Uckoo, R.M. and Jayaprakasha, G.K.(2011), A Perspective of Foods for Health in Developing and Developed Countries: Challenges and Opportunities- Presentation at the Indonesian Food Conference- Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan (PATPI), September 15-17, 2011, Manado, Indonesia.
Kim, J., Jayaprakasha, G.K., and Patil, B.S. Citrus obacunone exhibit anti-proliferative and anti-aromatase activity in vitro by inhibiting p38 MAPK signaling pathway in MCF-7 human breast adenomarcinoma cells, presented at ESPCA on Natural Products, Medicinal Chemistry and Organic Synthesis Integrated Solutions for Tomorrow’s World, 14th – 18th August 2011, São Paulo, Brazil.