InPatil, B.S., Crosby, K., Byrne, D. 2010. Breeding Vegetables and Fruits to Improve Human Health: A Collaborative Effort of Multidisciplinary Scientists, Stakeholders and Consumers Using System-Based Approach. August 22-27, 2010. Symposium 07.008-“Emerging Health Issues in Fruits and Vegetables” Volume 2: page 332, 28th International Horticulture Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
InPatil, B.S., VFIC’s Foods for Health: A Global Partnership Effort of Stakeholders, Trans-Disciplinary Scientists, Students, Educators and Consumers. August 22-27, 2010. 28th Workshop 23-“Networking the FAV and Health Networks” Volume 1: page 372, 28th International Horticulture Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
InPatil, B.S., Chaudhary, P., Porat, R., Jayaprakasha, G.K. 2010. Grapefruit degreening influences health promoting limonoids and flavonoids. August 22-27, 2010. Symposium 07.008-“Emerging Health Issues in Fruits and Vegetables” Volume 2: page 338, 28th International Horticulture Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
InPatil, B.S., Pre and Postharvest Effects on Health Promoting Compounds: Perspectives in the current context of Human Health Related studies. International Conference on Post Harvest management and Valorisation of Agri -Horticultural Produce, February 19-20, 2010, New Delhi, India.
Participated in group discussion and attended the International conference on biodiversity in relation to food and human security in warming planet. In memory of Dr Norman E Borlaug-Feb 15-17, 2010, Chennai, India.
InKim, J., G.K. Jayaprakash, G.K., Patil, B.S., Lemon bioactive limonoid aglycones induces breast cancer cell arrest but not apoptosis. Annual International Society for Nutraceutical and Functional Conference, San Francisco, CA- November 1-4, 2009.
InPatil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and N.C Murthy. Prevention of Cancer by naturally occurring bioactive compounds: Conventional wisdom or realty? 3rd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetables. Avignon, France. October 2009.
PlenaryPatil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K., and K.N.C Murthy. Citrus and Colon cancer prevention: Current research and Future Prospectus. October 26-30, 2008. 11th International Citrus Congress, Wuhan, China.
PlenaryPatil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K., and K.N.C Murthy. Multitude Health Benefits of Fruits and vegetables: Scientific oddity or clinical reality. December 16-19, 2008. 6th International Food Convention, Mysore, India.
InPatil, B.S., and Jayaprakasha, G.K. Foods for Health current perspectives and future challenges, presented at ICFOST 2007, Dec. 31-Jan 2, 2008, Karagpur, India.
InPatil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K., and N.C Murthy. January, 2007. Health Maintaining Properties of Citrus Colorless Bioactive Compounds: Underlying Mechanism-Antioxidant Activity? Third biennial society meeting for Free Radical Research-Asia and Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research-India (SFRR-India). Lonawala, India.