Butcher, J.D., Crosby, K.M., Yoo, K.S., Patil, B.S. Ibrahim, A.M.H., Leskovar, D.I., and J.L. Jifon. (2012) Environmental and genotypic variation of capsaicinoid and flavonoid concentrations in Habanero (Capsicum chinense) peppers. HortScience, 47: 574-579.
Dow, C.A., Going, S.B., Chow, H.S., Patil, B.S. andA. Thomson. (2012). The effects of daily consumption of grapefruit on body weight, lipids, and blood pressure in healthy, overweight adults. Metabolism, 61: 1026–1035. PMID: 22304836.
Bae, H., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Crosby, B., Jifon, J., and S. Patil (2012) Influence of Extraction solvents on antioxidant activity and the content of bioactive compounds in non-pungent peppers. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 67: 120-128. PMID: 22569831.
Vikram, A., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Jesudhasan, P.R., Pillai, S.D. and S. Patil (2012) Limonin 7-methoxime interferes with Escherichia coli biofilm formation and attachment in Type 1 pili and antigen 43 dependent manner. Food Control, 26: 427-438.
Yoo, K.S., Lee, E.J., Leskovar, D., and S. Patil (2012) Development of an Automated method for Folin-Ciocalteu total phenolic assay in artichoke extracts. Journal of Food Science, 77: C1279–C1284. PMID: 23163965.
Yoo, K.S., Bang, H., Lee, E.J., Crosby, K.M., and S. Patil (2012) Variation of Carotenoid, Sugar, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations in Watermelon Genotypes and Genetic Analysis, Horticulture Environmental Biotechnology, 3: 552-560.
Chaudhary, P., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Porat, R., and S. Patil (2012) Degreening and postharvest storage influences ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit (Citrus paradise Macf.) bioactive compounds. Food Chemistry, 135: 1667-1675. PMID: 22953908.
Patil, B.S., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and Vikram. (2012) Indigenous Crops of Asia and Southeast Asia: Exploring Health Promoting Properties. Hortscience, 47: 821-827.
Chebrolu, K., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Yoo, K.S., Jifon, J., and S. Patil (2012) An improved sample preparation method for quantification of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid by HPLC. LWT –Food Research Technology, 47:443-449.
Yoo, K.S., Lee, E.J., and S. Patil (2012) Changes in flavor precursor, pungency, and sugar contents in shortday onion bulbs during five month storage at various temperatures and controlled-atmosphere. Journal of Food Science, 77: C216-C221. PMID: 22242977.