
  • Patil, B.S. Functional Components in Citrus Beverages, p. 103-122. In: Shahidi and Weerasinghe (eds.) Nutraceutical Beverages, Chemistry, Nutrition and Health Effects. American Chemical Society, Washington D.C.
  • Editor-Reviewed Journal Articles and Proceedings
  • Underlined authors indicate current or former graduate students or postdoctoral research associates under the direction of Patil.
  • InvitedPatil, B.S., Uckoo, R.M. and G.K. Jayaprakasha. 2015. Emerging trends in hyphenated separation techniques for the isolation of naturally occurring compounds, Acta Horticultuae. 1106. ISHS 2015. DOI 10.17660/ 109-116. XXIX IHC – Proc. VI Int. Symp. on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables. Eds. T. O’Hare and M.E. Netzel.
  • Keynote Patil, B.S., Uckoo, R.M., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and Palma, M.A. (2016). Consumers’ changing perceptions of quality: revisiting the science of fruit and vegetable cultivation for improved health benefits. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 1120:459-468. XXIX IHC – Proc. Int. Symposia on Postharvest Knowledge for the Future and Consumer and Sensory Driven Improvements to Fruits and Nuts Eds.: J.B. Golding et al.
  • Patil, J.R ., Jayaprakasha , G.K., Patil, B.S. and Chetti, M.B. Antioxidant activities of kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). Acta Hort. 2014, 1040, 381-384.
  • Patil, B.S., Uckoo, R.M. and G.K. Jayaprakasha. 2015. Emerging trends in hyphenated separation techniques for the isolation of naturally occurring compounds, Acta Horticultuae. 1106. ISHS 2015. DOI 10.17660/ 109-116. XXIX IHC – Proc. VI Int. Symp. on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables. Eds. T. O’Hare and M.E. Netzel.
  • Patil, B.S., Uckoo, R.M., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and Palma, M.A. (2016). Consumers’ changing perceptions of quality: revisiting the science of fruit and vegetable cultivation for improved health benefits. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 1120:459-468. XXIX IHC – Proc. Int. Symposia on Postharvest Knowledge for the Future and Consumer and Sensory Driven Improvements to Fruits and Nuts Eds.: J.B. Golding et al.
  • Kim, J., Jayaprakasha, G.K. and Patil, B.S. Lemon (Citrus lemon Burm) as a source of unique bioactive compounds. Acta Hort 2014, 1040, 377-380.
  • Patil, B.S., Murthy, K.N.C. and Jayaprakasha, G.K. Prevention of cancer by naturally occurring bioactive compounds: conventional wisdom or reality? Acta Hort 2014, 1040, 247-254.

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