
  • Bae, H., Jayaprakasha, G., Jifon, J. and Patil, B.   Late Season Sour Orange Seeds:  Major Source of Deacetylnomilin.  Proc. 2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil. Acta Hort 841:471-473.
  • Chebrolu, K., Jayaprakasha, G., Jifon, J. and Patil, B.   Simultaneous Quantification of Narigin, Hesperidin and Narirutin in Citrus Juice.  Proc.  2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil. Acta Hort. 841:487-490.
  • Murthy, K.N.C. Jayaprakasha, G. and Patil, B.   Limonin and its glucoside from citrus can inhibit colon cancer: Evidence from in vitro studies.  Proc.  2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil. Acta Hort. 841:145-151.
  • Somasundaram, K.P. Gunasekera, R., J., G.K. Jayaprakasha, Patil, B.S., Differential phosphorylations of NFkB and cell growth of MDA-MB 231 human breast cancer cell line by limonin, 2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil. Acta Hort,  841, 151-154, 2009.
  • Uckoo, R.M., Nelson, S.D., Jayaprakasha, G.K., Patil, B.S. Impact of Low Water Use Systems on Bioactive Flavonoids of Grapefruit, 2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil. Acta Hort, 841, 607-610, 2009.
  • Bang, H,M. Pike, Patil, B.S., and K.S. Yoo. 2009. Structural gene expression in carotenoid biosynthetic pathway of carrot during root development. Proc.  2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil.  Acta Hort. 841:475-478.
  • Cho, J.E., K.Lee, Patil, B.S., E.J. Lee, and K.S. Yoo. 2009. Separation of blue pigments in crushed garlic cloves: the color forming potential of individual amino acids. Proc.  2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil.  Acta Hort. 841:491-493.
  • Lee, E.J.,S.Yoo, Patil, B.S., J.E. Cho, and S.K. Lee. 2009. Flavor precursor and amino acids involved in blue-green pigment formation in crushed garlic cloves. Proc. 2nd IS on Human Health Effects of FAV.  Ed. B. Patil.  Acta Hort. 841:541-544.
  • Patil, B.S. Jayaprakash, G.K. and Harris, E.D. 2007. Impact of citrus limonoids on human health. Acta Hort 127-134.
  • Harris, E.D. M. Poulose, Patil, B.S. 2007. Citrus limonoids are unique and effective anticancer agents.  Acta Hort. 744. 165-170.

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