Popular press articles, interviews with National, State, Local News Media/TV/Radio/Newsletters (PDF)
Interview with Wall Street Journal reporter: Article entitled “A&M Professor is Again Cruising For a Bruising” published on November 4, 1998
Wall Street Journal covered about red grapefruit lycopene in winners section: Fruit Farmer-April 1998.
Reuters News– It’s not easy being a grapefruit by Barbara Hagenbaugh (E-mail: Barbara.hagenbaugh@reuters.com), Reuters- November 11, 1998.
Interview with KURV radio talk show host, Mr. Davis Rankin (two times).Topics: 1) Grapefruit health benefits; 2) New course on Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Human Health”.
Valley Morning Star– February 7, 1998. Title: Brazilian doctor works in Valley to increase citrus’s healing power.
Interview with Austin American Statesman Newspaper reporter and article was published through Associated Press on April 2, 1998 and similar articles were published in several national newspaper including Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle etc. Title: Cancer fighting compound in Texas grapefruit.
Houston Chronicle– April 4, 1998. Title: Texas grapefruit helps to reduce risks of cancer
Interview with local TV channels 4 and 5 in April 1998. Topic: Health Benefits of grapefruit
Interview with Texas A&M Communication reporter in College Station and news appeared in local CNN (Home Front) channel.
Interview with the Monitor News paper reporter-Article was published on February 22, 1998, Title: Valley grapefruit may help prevent cancer.