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Kathleen Phillips. “Orange, Grapefruit Juice Builds Bones in Rats,” Ag News,, May 5, 2006.
Laura Hensley, “The creator of the Texas 1015 onion will be honored at A&M Celebrating Creative Cultivation.” The Eagle, Tuesday, June 6, 2006.
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Laura Hensley. “Scientists at A&M Conference say produce can reduce risk of disease. The, Wednesday, June 7, 2006.
Kathleen Phillips. “Scientists at A&M conference say produce can reduce risk of disease,” Bryan College Station Eagle. June 7, 2006.
Kathleen Phillips. “Orange, grapefruit Juic for Breakfast Builds Bones in Rats,” Medical News Today. June 7, 2006.
Kathleen Phillips. “Researchers say citrus key to building strong bones,” Medical June 7, 2006.
Kathleen Phillips. “O.J. and Bones,”, June 8, 2006.