Kathleen Phillips- Feet, fork, & finger: clue to health, longevity, national medical experts says. Today AgriLife.- February 25, 2014.
Emily Davis- The Eagle- February 26, 2014. Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center celebrates 20th anniversary.
Chip Carter- Produce News. March 10-14, 2014. Cool weather delays start of Texas deal, new Vidalia ship date could extend season.
Francesca Mari- New York times. April 5, 2014. For Center, 20 years of creating vegetables- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/us/for-center-20-years-of-creating-vegetables.html?_r=0
Deccan Herald. Texas varsity, UAS, Dharwad, ink pact. May 2014
Deccan Herald, Wipe out hunger, Hussey tells farm scientists, May 22, 2014
Rajendra Singh and Hussey to get UAS honorary doctorate- The Hindu- May 20, 2014
2 new ag universities for state planned. The new Sunday express- May 25, 2014
Deccan Herald. UAS Awards Honorary Doctorate to Rajendra Singh, Mark Hussey. May 23, 2014
Science Of Stink: Blame Sulfur Compounds For Your Garlic Breath byMAANVI SINGH, June 21, 2014