New Waves– The Research news letter of the Texas Water Resources Institute- August 1998, Vol 11(3):9. Title: Texas A&M-Kingsville Citrus Center Studies Whether Fertigation of Grapefruit Can Boost Yields.
Interview with Valley Morning Star Newspaper reporter- Article was published on September 30, 1998: Title: Key to Success may be smaller, alternative crops.
Interview with Corpus Christi Caller newspaper reporter and article was published on November 15, 1998. This news was published in several national newspapers via Associated Press.
Solutions for the Valley Solutions for the Life- A Center Brochure. Title: Patil’s work is featured in Health section
An article published in the Monitor on November 5, 1998. Title: Fruit sized probe going on Mission to packing plants
Interview with Valley Morning Star and an article was published on November 22, 1998. Title: Eating right to live well.
The Monitor-November 30,1998.Title: Course to teach value of fruits and vegetables.
TAMU AgNews– December 10,1998. Title: Healthy food class to include U.S., Canadian researchers.
Agriculture Now– RioGrande Valley Agricultural and Research Center News letter. Title: Cancer Prevention of Grapefruit Studied-Summer 1998
Agriculture Now– RioGrande Valley Agricultural and Research Center News letter. Title: Healthy Foods Class to Begin in January- Fall 1998.