
  • New Waves– The Research news letter of the Texas Water Resources Institute- August 1998, Vol 11(3):9. Title: Texas A&M-Kingsville Citrus Center Studies Whether Fertigation of Grapefruit Can Boost Yields.
  • Interview with Valley Morning Star Newspaper reporter- Article was published on September 30, 1998: Title: Key to Success may be smaller, alternative crops.
  • Interview with Corpus Christi Caller newspaper reporter and article was published on November 15, 1998. This news was published in several national newspapers via Associated Press.
  • Solutions for the Valley Solutions for the Life- A Center Brochure. Title: Patil’s work is featured in Health section
  • An article published in the Monitor on November 5, 1998. Title: Fruit sized probe going on Mission to packing plants
  • Interview with Valley Morning Star and an article was published on November 22, 1998. Title: Eating right to live well.
  • The Monitor-November 30,1998.Title: Course to teach value of fruits and vegetables.
  • TAMU AgNews– December 10,1998. Title: Healthy food class to include U.S., Canadian researchers.
  • Agriculture Now– RioGrande Valley Agricultural and Research Center News letter. Title: Cancer Prevention of Grapefruit Studied-Summer 1998
  • Agriculture Now– RioGrande Valley Agricultural and Research Center News letter. Title: Healthy Foods Class to Begin in January- Fall 1998.
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