
Accomplishments: May 19-25, 2014.  Patil coordinated and led the effort to initiate two new Centers of Excellence-1) Center of Excellence in Foods for Health at University of Horticultural Sciences in Bagalkot; 2) International Agriculture Development at University of Agricultural Sciences in Dharwad.   Patil accompanied  by Dr. Mark Hussey, Interim President Texas A&M University visited  Karnataka.  Dr. D. P. Biradar,Vice Chancellor, UAS Dharwad and Patil coordinated several meetings with different entities of Government of Karnataka including Chief Minister of Karnataka and University administrators to accomplish the goal.  Government of Karnataka approved total of $5 million for both Centers of Excellence. This effort was led by Patil since 2002 when the first MOU between Texas A&M University and UAS Dharwad was established. Dr. Norman Borlaug helped Dr. Patil to initiate first MoU between Texas A&M University and UASD.


MOU between TAMU and University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot was approved by both TAMU and UHS. Administrators meeting between two institutions including Vice Chancellors of AgriLife and UHS was successful. This meeting led to fruitful results in 2014. Met with Chief Minister, Government of Karnataka, Minister for Horticulture and four Vice Chancellors of Agriculture and Horticulture Universities and discussed collaborative exchange program between Government of Karnataka and TAMU.


February 2019- Invited by the Agriculture Minister, Government of Karnataka- Presented current status and future Prospectus of partnership between TAMU and Agriculture and Horticulture Universities in Karnataka.


Visited Key administrators including Director General, ICAR, Director IARI and Deputy Director Generals (education), (Crop Science), (Horticulture) and discussed the collaborative efforts between ICAR and TAMU.


Participated in TAMU-CINVESTAV Workshop, Irapuato, Gto along with TAMU delegates including Drs. Mark Hussey, Jeff Seemann, Alan Sams and several other key administrators and faculty from different colleges. Discussed collaborative opportunities and presented how VFIC can play role in CINVESTAV Collaboration March 7-10, 2010


Invited to participate in HortCRISP workshop, Singapore-May 12-20, 2010. Discussed global challenges of Horticulture and how Horticulture can play role in food security.  Discussed potential of partnership efforts at the global level to demonstrate role of horticulture in human lifestyle.


The MOU with Seoul National University, South Korea, National Horticulture Research Institute, South Korea and University of Agricultural Sciences, India has resulted in 2 student exchanges and 1 post doc training with a partial support from these institutions.

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