
  • TAMU Agnews– April 23, 1999. Title: Final Lecture Series set for Tuesday.
  • Fields of Success-The Texas A&M University System Agriculture Program. Title: Ag Program Researchers and Educators Tackling Diet-Related Diseases by Lynette James, Agricultural Communications Vol 2: May 1999.
  • Valley News Morning Star– October 16, 1999. Title: Scientists may have unlocked green changing formula.
  • TAMU Agnews-Citrus de-greening studies look promising- October 19,1999.
  • News aired on FOX HEALTH CHANNEL on April 28, 2000 at 8:30 PM. Interview with Ms. Kristin deJohn, Information Television Network (ITV) from Florida in College Station and Weslaco. This interview was part of the “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” Series arranged by Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center.  This program received 2000 Freddie Award by TIME, INC. Health.
  • Invited by the Dentsu Agency of Japan, Paradise Fish, Inc to give an interview on possible health benefits derived from the Citrus specifically lemon. This would have led to a documentary and later planned to be aired on several national and international TV channels including DISCOVERY CHANNEL.  In order to avoid controversy, I declined the interview.
  • Valley Morning Star. Grapefruit found to aid in prevention-January 21, 2000.
  • Writers tour to the phytochemical lab and interviewed by the Valley Morning Star-January 21, 2000. Title: Grapefruit found to aid in prevention of diseases.
  • Interview with KURV radio news host: Mr. Tim Salvon and new covered at 3:00 PM on January 21, 2000. Title: Importance of grapefruit to health
  • Interview with San Antonio Express news reporter Ms. Emily Spicer and article published on February 2, 2000. Title: When it comes to citrus, the redder is better.
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