San Benito News-Weslaco cancer research highlighted in Washington, D.C.-March 25, 2001.
The Monitor. “Texas Scientists making advances in Disease in Prevention with Food” June 13, 2001
Valley Morning Star. Patil trumpets citrus health benefits, June 23, 2001.
Interview with KURV radio news host: Mr. Tim Salvon, Title: Postharvest storage effect on functional components poster award- January 18, 2001.
The Monitor-“Study: Prostate Cancer could be blocked by Citrus Pectin” June 25, 2001.
The Valley Morning Star-“Pectin may slow cancer of the prostate gland” June 16, 2001.
The Eagle-Citrus Pectin may help prevent prostate cancer. June 18, 2001.
Interview with KURV radio news host: Mr. Tim Salvon and news aired at 5:40 PM on June 18, 2001. Title: Pectin Health Benefits-Publication Journal of Agriculture and Food Science.
Interview with KURV radio talk show host, Mr. Davis Rankin-June 27, 2001-Topics: Citrus Pectin Health Benefits
Interview with David Bradley, freelance science writer, Cambridge, United Kingdom-Interview published in BioMedNet-Magazine 20, 2001. Issue 107