
  • San Benito News-Weslaco cancer research highlighted in Washington, D.C.-March 25, 2001.
  • The Monitor. “Texas Scientists making advances in Disease in Prevention with Food” June 13, 2001
  • Valley Morning Star. Patil trumpets citrus health benefits, June 23, 2001.
    1. Interview with KURV radio news host: Mr. Tim Salvon, Title: Postharvest storage effect on functional components poster award- January 18, 2001.
    2.  The Monitor-“Study: Prostate Cancer could be blocked by Citrus Pectin” June 25, 2001.
    3.  The Valley Morning Star-“Pectin may slow cancer of the prostate gland” June 16, 2001.
    1. The Eagle-Citrus Pectin may help prevent prostate cancer. June 18, 2001.
    2. Interview with KURV radio news host: Mr. Tim Salvon and news aired at 5:40 PM on June 18, 2001. Title: Pectin Health Benefits-Publication Journal of Agriculture and Food Science.
    3. Interview with KURV radio talk show host, Mr. Davis Rankin-June 27, 2001-Topics: Citrus Pectin Health Benefits
    4. Interview with David Bradley, freelance science writer, Cambridge, United Kingdom-Interview published in BioMedNet-Magazine 20, 2001. Issue 107

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