Health Attributes Shifting Produce to Center of Plate

From Western Farm Press. A shift of fresh fruits and vegetables from a side dish at the meal table to the middle of the consumer’s dinner plate makes today an exciting time for the U.S. produce industry. Full text here.

Pie The Professor

On October 21, 2011, the Department of Horticulture at Texas A&M University hosted an event called “Pie the Professor.” “Pie the Professor” was a fundraising event for the State Employees Charitable Campaign (SECC), a Texas organization that raises money from state employees and donates that money to charitable organizations worldwide. More information about the SECC can be found here.

There were 13 professors participating in the event. Dr. Bhimu Patil, the director of the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center, raised the most money of the participants, with $97.09. In total, “Pie the Professor” raised $363.49 to donate to the SECC.


Can Mushrooms Help the Immune System Fight Cancer?

2011-11-02-TurkeyTail1.jpgFrom The Huffington Post. An interview with Paul Stamets, Mycologist. Full text here.

US Centre Sees Cure in Usual Greens

Deccan Herald [Logo]

A US-based university has found medicinal values in vegetables grown in Karnataka.

 Deccan Herald [Logo]

Studies conducted over two decades at Texas A&M University show that consumption of carrot, onion, chilli and lemon grown in Karnataka can reduce the risk of cancer.

According to the studies, lemon can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, carrot can prevent breast cancer, onion and chilli prevent colon cancer.

The Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Centre of the University has been conducting the studies  since 1991. So far, the Centre has published over 50 research papers on these crops of Karnataka.

Link to full article: PDF