The VFIC is on Facebook!

Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center on Facebook

The VFIC is announcing a new format for our newsletter. In the past the newsletters were either printed or electronic, in order to give you frequent updates, we are implementing a Facebook newsletter.


This new format will continue to include lab updates, graduate student spotlight, new publications, conference announcements, awards of our faculty, staff and industry partners in addition to any other exciting news.  A link to the corresponding VFIC webpage will be included in the post so you can see more detailed information.


To receive these updates, simply click on the link below and like our Facebook page if you haven’t already. The updates will then show up in your newsfeed as they’re posted or you can check our page to see what’s going on.


This will allow you to interact with us with ease. Please feel free to comment on posts and ask questions. We would love to hear from you and are excited about this new venture!



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