The Texas A&M University Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center promotes expedient, sustained improvement of vegetable and fruit crops and breeding systems to support the production, processing, and seed industries. Administered through the Department of Horticultural Sciences, the Center has a director, a faculty of vegetable and fruit research scientists within Texas A&M AgriLife and other research universities, and an advisory committee that includes department heads, research scientists, and industry representatives. Industries interested in vegetable and fruit improvement participate in an advisory role and gain early access to new technologies and plant materials by becoming members of the Center.
Corporate members utilizing research results from the Center’s projects receive preferential consideration for producing and marketing seed in accordance with the policies of Texas A&M AgriLife. Members may also sponsor additional research through separate contract agreements with individual scientists, established study leaves and receive technical guidance from the Center faculty. Technical staff are also available to advise members on specific issues and help determine potential applications.
A research review of the Center is held annually, and a summary of the research results are made available to participating members.
- for more information on membership forms, Contact the VFIC