VFIC Scientist Forms

These files are for various use in VFIC files and presentations

High Resolution Logos

  • VFIC logo – .jpg
  • VFIC logo with Center Name – .png
  • Texas A&M AgriLife Research Logo – .jpg

Utility Forms

Core Unit Request Forms

These forms should be completed on the computer and signed with a digital signature in Adobe. Please use the submit button to turn them into the proper place.

USDA Funding Information

USDA CSREES Special Grant
“Designing Foods for Health”

Award No. TALR Account
2001-34402-10543 (2001-2004) 06-502321-8853
2003-34402-13647 (2003-2006) 06-502797-8959
2004-34402-14768 (2004-2007) 06-503002-9049 (1218)
2005-34402-16401 (2005-2008) 06-503278-9083 (1229)
2006-34402-17121 (2006-2009) 06-503465-9152 (1238)
2007-118409 Hatch Funds (2007) 06-118409
2008-34402-19195 (2008-2011) 06-503786-9301 (1253)
2009-34402-19831 (2009-2012) 06-504003-9365 (1262)
2010-34402-20875 (2010-2013) 06-504176-9418 (1272)

USDA CSREES — Higher Education Challenge Grant
“The Science of Foods for Health: A Multi-Institutional, Multi-State Effort for Undergraduate Education”

Award No. TALR Account
2006-38411-17095 (2006-2010) 06-503435-9155

Examples of Affiliation and Acknowledgements

Downloadable PDF Version available here.


Article Title

For the faculty within Department of Horticultural Sciences

Author: VFIC Scientist name 1
1 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center ,

For the faculty from outside the Department of Horticultural Sciences

Author: VFIC Scientist name 1, 2
 Home Department name
2 Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center

For the faculty from Experiment Station and other Centers

Author: VFIC Scientist name 1, 2
1 Your Center name
2 Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center


For publications, patents, presentations, posters and other media requests that relate to VFIC programs.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food & Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture under Agreement No. 2xxx-34402-#####, “Designing Foods for Health” through the Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Texas A&M AgriLife Research.


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